Saturday, June 27, 2009


Ok, so today didn't look so well for me...

I got there early, putted, chipped (which by the way helped tremendously I had a 1.72 putt avg. and 2.61 putt & chipp ag. for the day), looked at the hole instead of the ball on putts (which helped a great deal for longer putts but I can't decide for anything closer than 4 or 5 yards), and tried the bump & run approach on maybe 5 shots (which I ended up either over shooting or undershooting considerably despite practically perfecting it in practice).

I also bought a hybrid and a 60 degree wedge yesterday and I was a little too excited to use. I tried some shots I might not have otherwise that may have given me some unneeded mis-hits. However I may have learned a few valuable lessons from my fellow golfers. Oh did I mention that there was a tournament going on today as well and I over heard that someone shot a 66 this morning... need I say something to shoot for?

[I played with a guy who had a push cart for his bag, with an umbrella holder so he could stay in the shade while walking the course, a claw ball grabber for the butt end of his three ball Odyssey putter, an executive ball grabber thingie (for retrieving balls that land in the water), and any other bells and whistles one can imagine to be found on the golf course or on a golf bag, short of a pin-wheel and streamers. He seemed like a nice guy, but again no one believes me that I've only been playing for a few weeks, so kind of a compliment but also disconcerting because I hate it when people don't believe me.

As learned from the quintessential golf gadget guru today on the course...

1. If you take the game serious and not yourself, you'll be alright...

2. Line up behind the ball aiming at your target and pick a spot 6 in. in front of the ball to aim once lining up for address. This will help give you a much more realistic aim point to get the ball where you want to go.

and 3. (which isn't necessarily from the gadget guru but I still learned it today) I need to work on my iron play.

I had 7 mis-hits (where the ball only went like ten feet in front of me when I meant to hit it like 100+ yards. and 5 penalty strokes/lost balls to water hazards or couldn't find my ball. To sum up my play three quarters of the holes I shot were double bogeys or worse. Tomorrow will be a better day.

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