Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back of Left Hand to Back of Right Hand...

So I took a lesson today from my local PGA professional, and boy was it worth it...

I have been pushing slicing or fading most of my shots recently and I really wanted more accuracy with my irons...

He watched me hit three balls, and knew exactly what would help me right of the bat... after some practice with it I can honestly say I am hitting it straighter just after a few buckets of focusing on the idea... I can't wait to see what the future will hold with this simple idea.

Ok so basically he was saying I was leaving my club face open too long, which I knew, but he made me focus on the contact of the ball making sure I was rotating and using my hands properly. Making it possible for someone standing in front of me to see the back of my left hand then straight on and then the back of my right hand. Now it was tremendously uncomfortable at first, and timing it with my arm speed was even more hectic. If my arms were fast and my hands couldn't catch up I would fade a bit, and if my rotation too fast for my arms I would pull or draw, it was amazing. Basically he said that the three things that control distance and control, are your hands, arms and legs. Hands.. the rotation we talked about, the arms which he only briefly mentioned because he said I seemed ok with that, and the legs being the shift of weight from back to front.

We also went over some chipping and bunkers but they were pretty simple things like for chipping less hands and more arms, and the bunkers were to follow through more hitting behind the ball. All really exciting and fun things to think about and work on.

I'm excited to see how the next week or so of practicing this muscle memory will play out for the rounds I intend to play in August.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How my short game became my long game...

Ok so today I shot a 101... that hurt... after playing so well for a few weeks, I managed to have the best driving game I've ever played with the worst short game I've played since early june... 11 extra chips and putts from yesterday with 6 three-putts, ouch...

I hit 6 fairways, and I felt like I was truly improving my drive swing from my last posts remarks. It was an easy and comfortable fix that has added yards (hit several 300 yard balls) and consistent accuracy (obviously not perfect but that would inevitably have to do with my lack of consistency in other minor details). I didn't practice my short game as well as I would have liked today, but I was banking on repeating how well I played yesterday on my short game. I did get pretty shaken up after playing poorly and had trouble rebounding mentally which will be important to overcome in the future for long term success. I think the most important thing I got out of today however, was the acquaintances made with Kip Hunter his Father (a District Attorney of Boulder for 28 years) and their friend Phil. Kip and I seemed to hit it off as he went to school at UVA and I happened to be wearing my UVA hockey shirt. I am really looking forward to playing golf with him again in the future.

Two major things that were brought up in our 19th hole discussion that I have considered in the past but never pursued, were firstly, the importance of fitting my clubs (and potentially getting a nicer set), and secondly the value of proper training via lessons from a PGA Professional Teacher. Kip's father Alex could not say enough good things about what our local pro, Dan. I think the lessons cost about $40 and I'm looking forward to possibly investigating this idea further.

The outdoor movie last night didn't pan out due to weather, but tomorrow Alexa's sister comes into town so I better go clean/watch Law & Order and fall asleep.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

90 the hard way...

Wow, I played REALLY poorly from outside 100 yards today... I made sure I was striking down on the ball to make those divots and get that smash factor everyone is raving about. However, it's not easy to see results when I hit 5 or 6 trees lose 5 balls, and barely got 1 fairway. It didn't help that I had 3 three-putts, because the only thing that was working for me was my chips and putts. I made some really great par putts, but they were lost on a lot of safety shots to get out from the trees. I still shot a 90 though for 18, which I can barely believe. It makes me wonder if it's my short game saving face of poor accuracy on drives, or if I am getting more accurate with my irons to help put me in position for easy chips and pitch. I can't tell yet, but hopefully I'll start seeing results from better ball striking in the next few rounds I play.

I did notice that I was not focusing on making proper wrist-cock on the back swing, so I'm surely losing power but I'm hoping I can slowly introduce that into the swing. The key however to a lot of saved shots has been the lift, clean, align and place routine for my putts. I've been getting a lot closer to the pin on each attempt. That coupled with my peripheral vision and overall feel of "on-lineness" has really helped me feel comfortable on putts. My hybrid punch shots have really been great for getting me out from the trees, and I'm starting to get the feel for how far it goes on easier swings. I've also gotten a lot more comfortable with my 60 degree wedge, and it has helped eliminate a lot of roll on the green if I can now just hone in on the flag with better accuracy it will be a great tool from 60 yards or so out. I did notice that keeping the ball a little further back in my stance and utilizing the wrist-cock somewhat on chips and close pitch shots was really beneficial. I do however need to work on watching my ball and where it lands. I am so sick of losing balls and more importantly strokes due to penalties from not being able to find my ball in the rough. I'm fine (for the most part) with a lost stroke to a hazard, but come on, watching the ball land and then not finding it is silly.

I was really struggling with the last two rounds of 9 being 55 and 56, I had gained ten strokes on 9-holes just from trying to introduce better swing components but it was making me super frustrated. I'm glad it has started to get me back down to where I want to be. Even though (again) it may have just been my short game compensating for lack of solid iron play.

At any rate my goal next round is to play safe and smart onto the fairways so I can set up some solid iron attempts at least. We'll see how that goes. I'm off to see Pineapple Express at an outdoor cinema with some friends from work... I wonder if I'll try and play tomorrow even though I shouldn't for money reasons.