Wednesday, July 8, 2009

On the downswing...

Ok, so I focused a little bit on making divots today on the range... I started developing a blister on my right thumb so I took it easy and I have a feeling I might have to rethink my grip for this new line of attack on the ball. I discovered on a good solid hit (utilizing the downswing) I hit my 7-iron a good 30-40 yards further than before... Not to mention the ball was much more predictable to my target line, MUCH MORE!!!

It was incredible... and now I can't wait to try it out this weekend, I have a feeling I will be redefining each club's average distance, but I'm hoping I will be hitting more greens in regulation.

I took these videos while I was there after a wild hair, and a few minutes cleaning the dust out of my old miniDV camera to get it to work. I was looking into golfTec and the likes, which gave me the idea to explore what my swing looks like from a third person, or at least a camera so I can see myself as a third person. I'm already noticing little things I can work on, the gap between my waist and the club handle on my driver, my finish needs to hold longer, and my swing plane may be slightly off.

Well I also found with the video that unfortunately the range only fires from the grass on Thursdays-Sundays (weather permitting) as the guy yelled at me not two swings into filming my side views. I had to get on the grass because of the green barriers between tee pads blocking the view of the camera which you can see on the driver video. Anyways, I'll be looking forward to filming again once I work on some of the things I see so far, and hopefully after a game this weekend that might put me into the lower 80's?

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