Saturday, July 4, 2009


OK, so I hit a 90 today... and it felt really good... No huge mistakes, nothing over double bogey, only a couple 3 putts... and I'm convinced I would have broke 90 had it not started pouring down raining on the 18th. I thought I could beat the rain and finish out when it started drizzling on the 17th, and I didn't want to leave without finishing if it didn't stop raining... needless to say the rain made a huge difference as I was only able to hit my drive 150 or so yards, and each iron about 20-30 yards shorter than I expected. I was looking to par or at worst bogey, but nothing I can do now.

I've been looking at my stats and the one thing I think I really need to work on can't be seen statistically but I know after thinking about my play today that I need to work on my irons. Anything between 7i-Pw I can usually get within 100 ft. of where I want it, but anything from 6i-woods I don't always know what's going to happen. I don't know how far I can hit them, and I don't know if I'm going to slice or not. I'd like to really hone in on hitting my irons straight maybe sacrifice distance for awhile until I can piece it together. but right now I'm turning my club face considerably to the left each shot to counteract a push/slice, and it still doesn't seem to consistently cover the problem. I've been feeling much more comfortable only swinging at 75% on drives, I didn't hit as many fairways today as I would have liked to but there was at least 4 or 5 holes where I was within a yard or so of the fairway so I wasn't too far off. My pitching was perfect today, and my putts were getting me close, so I couldn't complain. However, what good is a long drive to the fairway if my next show is going to put me 30 yards from the green.

I'll be studying up on Irons tonight to possibly play tomorrow (pending on the weather) but I have a good feeling it will take me a week or so of hitting the range (and not just reading something or watching an on-line video).

Another thing I'm nervous about in my swing is that I don't divot... like at all. I watch the pros and while they may be trying to get backspin on the ball, they leave a divot pretty much every time they're not on the green or teeing off. I just try to barely scrape the ground each time. I have a feeling that has to do with a lot of my mishits and potentially my inconsistencies with my irons. I'll have to continue researching the topic.

I guess my next goal is to break 80... I'm starting to wonder if I could hit par by the end of the summer?

I'd have to change the web address for this blog...

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