Thursday, July 9, 2009

55 for 9 or Beginning the era of the downswing...

Ok, so I couldn't wait until the weekend to try out this new concept... Swinging down on the ball or hitting the ball first. The idea of hitting a divot has changed a number of things with my swing... attempting the wrist-cock, weight shift, and shaft position in relation to my wrist and the ball. It feels weird, but I think Im getting the hang of it. I didn't get a warm-up as I hustled out on the course attempting to play as many holes as I could on twilight however I managed to catch the tail of league play meaning I would barely get through 9 holes. I went 3 for 7 on fairways which felt great (and I attribute to keeping my hands closer to my waist than before, thanks to my swing video), I was having trouble gauging my distances for my clubs as they appear to be hitting it further with the new swing. This didn't help as I ended up having to pitch or chip a LOT more than usual and without a warm-up this did not help my score. I also need to remember that my chips shouldn't change their swing pattern (not the way my iron swings have). Well I have a good feeling about the new found accuracy with this new swing, I tend to hit it within 15 yards of my target line, and that is 100x better than before. I'm going to play a few more times this weekend I think, so we'll see how quickly I get the hang of it, but I have a feeling it might take a while.

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